Our Founder

Steve Stucker is the Founder & Director of UpB4 the Son Ministries and Charities, and serves as President of the Board of Directors. He is a well known TV and Radio Broadcaster, with almost 40 years experience. For the past 28 years, he has served as Weatherman and Morning Show Co-Host in Albuquerque, where he has won over 20 awards as Favorite TV Personality, Best Forecaster, etc.
Steve is a licensed and ordained Pastor, at New Covenant Church, and is an ordained Chaplain with the International Fellowship of Chaplains. He writes a weekday devotional, called Morning Inspiration, which is posted on his Facebook Page, 'Steve Stucker, New Mexico Weatherman'.
Steve is a licensed and ordained Pastor, at New Covenant Church, and is an ordained Chaplain with the International Fellowship of Chaplains. He writes a weekday devotional, called Morning Inspiration, which is posted on his Facebook Page, 'Steve Stucker, New Mexico Weatherman'.
Our Board of Directors
- Steve Stucker, Founder, President & Director
- Kelli Lee-Business Owner
- Rose Stucker - Treasurer
- Pastor Dave Row - Senior Pastor at New Covenant Church
- Vince Harrison - Vice President
- Kristi Stiegler-Board Secretary
- David Vilar-Business Owner